How to earn more on your website with Linkhouse
You can increase the attractiveness of your offers already at the stage of adding websites on the platform.
Precise descriptions referring to the subject matter of the website and demographics of users will attract the attention primarily of large advertisers who are planning campaigns concerning the image and reach. Adding a lot of apt tags (each website is moderated by us and the tags which do not relate to the subject matter are removed, so there is no point in adding randomly as many as possible) will increase the number of queries for which advertisers will see your offers.
By adding a website you can enter a monthly number of page views and unique users viewing your website (if you are serious about the monetization of your site, ensure that you do this). But if you are interested in orders from reach and content marketing campaigns, and not only focused on obtaining backlinks, verify given statistics by providing relevant data from the Google Analytics panel. Here you can find the instructions how to do it. The link following to it is also in the Adding a website form.
Remember to give information about social media related to the site and to enter information about your mailing base (newsletter addressees). Remember that you can send advertising messages only to users who have given their consent. Information given in this section will be visible in appropriate offers.
Information about the website is important but it is the quantity and quality of offers that will determine the amount of the remuneration. At the moment, the following types of offers (advertisements that you can sell) are available on Linkhouse:
- guest posts
- advertising backlinks (text backlinks and graphic banners)
- link insertions
- broken links
This list will grow. Remember that if you have a problem with qualifying your offer to a certain category or you want to suggest an advertising format that we currently do not offer, you can contact us via email [email protected]
Guest posts have multiple purposes; not only do they have value when it comes to PR and boosting valuable website traffic, but they are also one of the most popular ways to obtain SEO backlinks. According to our study, 84% of people responsible for SEO use this form of advertising, and 59% consider it as the best form of backlinking clients’ websites! On Linkhouse, advertisers buy more than 1000 publiications of guest posts per month. This number doubles or even triples every year. Without a doubt, this kind of offer is worth a lot of attention.
Basically, we can divide purchasers into two groups. For each of them different elements of an offer are valuable. The conclusion is clear ─ each website should have at least two offers of guest posts.
In this case, the advertiser is interested in obtaining dofollow backlinks and does not want to pay for extra promotion in social media. While filling the form you should pay attention to these fields:
- LINKING ─ dofollow backlinks are most often chosen by advertisers.
- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LINKS IN ONE ARTICLE ─ it is worth offering the possibility of adding more than one backlink in an article. The most popular offers contain maximum 2 or 3 backlinks.
- TIME OF ARTICLE BEING AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE– it is worth choosing the option permanently. Keeping a text on a website for more than 12 months (this is the minimum for which you can sell a publication) does not increase costs while in the vast majority of cases it is a decisive factor for which an offer is chosen.
- ADDITIONAL PROMOTION ─ a few days of promotion of a link to the article on the homepage will increase value of your offer ─ it will speed up indexation and upgrade the backlinks force. It should not increase the price of publication more than 10%. Do not choose promotion in social media and in mailing, if it would increase publication price.
Remember to choose at least the option Publication of an article delivered by a client. A lot of advertisers that order publications with a view to obtain backlinks are interested in publishing their own, already prepared text. It makes the process of realization of orders easier and shorter. If the text received does not meet your expectations, you can ask for corrections or reject publication without any consequences.
- SEO PARAMETERS ─ SEO parameters such as Trust Flow, Domain Rating, quantity of backlinking domains and existing backlinks, visibility in the search results according to SemStorm and Senuto (we will check it for you and present the result to an advertiser) have a huge impact on attractiveness of your offers.
The second group of advertisers contain contracting entities that are more concerned with reach and more broad content marketing. They are interested in branding, PR reach, directing the biggest amount of viewers possible to their website. Long story short ─ their aim is to make sure an article is read by as many people as possible.
- LINKING ─ in this case backlink does not have to have a dofollow parameter but it is worth allowing to add an extra advertising banner in the content or a video.
- ARTICLE DESIGNATION ─ in accordance with the law every advertising material has to be labeled as an advertisement. It does not mean that the word “advertisement” has to be used. Different websites offer different labels: “guest post, “advertisement”, “partner material” ─ the less “advertising tone” of a designation the better for an advertiser.
- ADDITIONAL PROMOTION ─ a link existing on the home page for a long time, promotion on social media and even dedicated mailing with information about the text ─ these are the elements of an offer that in this case will increase its attractiveness. Of course, in the end the deciding factor is usually the price, so offering an extra promotion when the price is 5 times higher than the standard price will not increase the number of articles sold.
- WEBSITE TRAFFIC ─ good and verified (see the category ADDING A WEBSITE) website traffic increases advertisers’ interest and enables you to set higher prices of publications.
Remember that beside these 2 large groups of advertisers mentioned above exists also a big group of clients that connects both areas. They are looking for offers that connect good SEO parameters with the possibility of reaching many people at the lowest possible price.
The offers from this category enable to sell any graphic and text backlinks, both for advertisers focused on obtaining better traffic and those who want to buy backlinks for SEO purposes.
TYPE OF BACKLINK – in this field you can specify if the offer concerns publishing text or graphic backlinks (banners). Choosing the option “Text backlink or banner” increases the number of orders, but in some cases it may not match the look of the website (e.g. big text backlink in the upper part of website, above or below the main menu does not look good).
VISIBILITY – the option Sitewide means backlinks are visible on all subpages of the website (their absence is acceptable on some “special” subpages such as Contact and Terms of use). If you run the general website and you have a possibility from the technical side, it is good to create an offer of the Finite sitewide type for a specific thematic category, so as to interest advertisers looking for backlinks from a specific subject. Backlink on a chosen subpage is an option which you should choose to e.g. sell a publication of an advertisement only on the homepage or in the Partners section. If you chose homepage, in field “Enter subpage on which the backlink will be visible”, you should enter, for example,
DISPLAYING – For the vast majority of advertisers it is important that the advertisement will be visible permanently. The Link displayed interchangeably with others is worth using only in banners on websites with high website traffic, on which, even if the advertiser banner is displayed interchangeably with others, it gets a large number of views.
LOCATION OF THE BACKLINK – Help advertisers better understand where their advertisement will be located. You can do it in a few seconds by making a screenshot of the chosen part of the screen with the exact location indicated – you can use the free program Lightshot or any other program, even the PrintScreen button on your keyboard and Paint will work. The offers that have a preview of the placement of the advertisement gain more interest.
DOFOLLOW PARAMETER – Similarly to the other types of offers, if you want to obtain orders from advertisers who are interested in SEO purposes, you have to choose the Dofollow option.
YOUR REMUNERATION – in this section you specify the minimum amount of days for which advertisers have to buy an advertisement. The shorter period, the more interest is put on the offer, but on the other hand – it means more work with changing advertisements on the website. Especially while buying advertising banners advertisers could be interested in such amounts as 7 or 14 days (mainly to test the effectiveness). Text backlinks are rarely bought for less than 30 days.
Regardless of whether the minimum amount of days for an order is 3 or 60, you have to specify the net price for one month of publication (our system converts it automatically to a daily rate and gives the result in the next field, so you can better understand how big your remuneration will be).
It is good to also add more attractive price variants for orders for longer periods – e.g. 3, 6 or 12 months. Using the Additional variants option you can specify how the price for one month will look like in orders for at least given period. Here, also in the next field, the daily rate will appear.
Remember that Linkhouse understands one month as 30 days.
Examples of price conditions for your offer may look as follows:
What are the most popular types of offers for advertising backlinks?
- Banners in the top of the website – directly above or under the main menu
- Banners and text backlinks in the side menu
- Banners in content – between links to articles or categories
- Backlinked logo in Partners/Customers/Portfolio section
- Backlinks in the footer (bottom menu of a website) – we advise against placing many backlinks of this type on your website
The sale of link insertions is an easy opportunity for the monetization of already existing articles. The most popular backlinks are in articles which:
- have very good website traffic and/or
- occupy high positions while searching keywords
You can check statistics of your subpages (articles) – e.g. which of them will appear in the ranking after using keywords by using tools as Senuto or SemStorm. You can also use the free Google Search Console and in the section Website traffic connected with searching > Analytics of searching check Enquiries for which your website reacts the best (causing the best websites traffic) and Websites (subpages of your website) that causes the best traffic from organic search results.
While adding an offer you can set homogenous conditions for all editorial articles on a website, or for texts from a certain category. You cannot sell backlinks in other advertisers’ guest posts. In special cases, it is worth using the possibility of setting individual conditions for chosen texts.
Other fields that directly influence the attractivness of your offer:
- DOFOLLOW BACKLINKS ─ choosing the option Yes or Yes or no (according to an advertisers wish) is necessary to make your offer interesting for advertisers that buy backlinks for SEO purposes.
The more options you choose, the easier gaining an advertiser will be.
- TIME OF BACKLINK’S PUBLICATION ─ similarly as in guest posts’ case permanent backlink publication increases advertisers’ interest
A few general guidelines that will help you maximize your earnings on Linkhouse platform
- add all your pages to the base ─ advertisers are interested in every subject matter and every type of website ─ from a new blog with a few posts to international news websites visited by over a million viewers per month
- add every type of offer that you can provide
- add variants of offers ─ different advertisers need different offers in different prices
- price is one of the most important factors deciding about a purchase ─ in almost every case cutting the price of a single publication affects the increase in the number of offers sold and financial growth of our advertisers
- you can count on our help ─ if you have any problems with using the platform or doubts about how to create an offer contact us via email: or call us: +1 214 225 9565