Link Planner
SEO & AI Link Building Tool

Check out our modern link building tool based on an AI system that will prepare the campaign and execute it for you!

*no credit card required

What does Link Planner do?

Add guidelines
for your campaign

Receive a proposal
for subpages and keywords

Get a list of the best
matching links
for your site

Check the parameters
and buy links quickly & easily

Link Planner - AI based link building tool

Why Should You Try It?

Do you lack time or experience in SEO? Our tool is a perfect solution if you need help with link selection. Moreover, any registered user receives 2 credits at the start to test the tool for free.

With Link Planner you will:

Building backlinks has never been as easy as it is now with Link Planner

How Does It Work?

Link Planner verifies the potential and estimates the quality of the portals in the databases, while also allocating the budget. It helps you save both time and money by preparing a link-building campaign in less than a minute, regardless of your level of experience!

Link Planner will:

Try Linkhouse plugin for ChatGPT!

Are you ChatGPT Plus user? Accelerate your link building even more! With the Linkhouse plugin, you can turn your ChatGPT conversations into data-packed campaign planning. 

Linkhouse + backlinks = ❤

Linkhouse is the biggest link building marketplace with websites from all over the world. We sell over $5 million worth of backlinks each year. We believe the numbers speak for themselves, but the opinions of our publishers speak even louder.

All opinions about our services published on the website come from our current or former customers with whom we have contracted for services. The opinions were expressed voluntarily and we did not interfere in any way with their content. They were sent to us in response to our request to evaluate our cooperation with us. The opinions express our customers’ subjective assessment of the level of service we provide.

All opinions about our services published on the website come from our current or former customers with whom we have contracted for services. The opinions were expressed voluntarily and we did not interfere in any way with their content. They were sent to us in response to our request to evaluate our cooperation with us. The opinions express our customers’ subjective assessment of the level of service we provide.

Creating links in a simple and effective manner

The link suggestions are based on our custom Link Score, which considers more than 30 parameters. Data in the tool is also constantly updated. Link Planner will help you effectively manage a link building campaign suited to your site.

Linkhouse is: