Adding pages and offers
To check a preview of your websites and offers choose from the menu the PUBLISHER button, then select the MY WEBSITES option.
Use the button ADD A NEW WEBSITE to declare new websites. You can also do it directly from the menu, choosing the PUBLISHER button and then the ADD A NEW WEBSITE button.
If you have cooperated with Linkhouse before, you will find your websites in this bookmark. Any added offer for your website will be visible here.
You can edit this website or add a new one (we cordially invite you to do so). In this bookmark you can edit information about your website or disable your website (this action WILL NOT remove the website but will enable deactivation of all offers that are connected with this website). To acitvate the website (and all offers) click the same button.
When you are adding a website, you have to fill in the boxes:
- Home page address – it must contain http:// or https:// and must not lead to the main page
- Website type – you can choose between Portal, Blog or Forum
- Website language – choose from over 20 languages
- Geographical coverage – countries will be automatically selected after you choose a language. You can delete or add them, but only the language-specific ones.
- Category – select one that describes the topic of the website, category or article best
- Tags – keywords defining the topic of the website. You have to fill at least three words. Write one of them and press enter to add more. They may contain a space.
- Website description – briefly describe what you publish on your website.. It will be visible for the customers.
- Prohibited subjects – if you have topics, which are forbidden to publish on your page, include them here. The portal’s owner reserves the right to refuse publication due to the subject matter or low text quality.
- Can the portal publish content related to the subject – if you offer to publish on any of the following topics, please select it.
- Target groups – choose which users are the audience of your website. You can choose more than one category. Parameters are based on gender, location, wealth or age.
- Advertiser’s Remarketing Tag – decide if you allow the option of placing the remarketing tag in the article (max. 3)
- Statistics – fill this section with number of views (monthly) and number of the unique users (monthly), which has to be less or equal to the number of views.
- Social media/e-mail – you can add links to website’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. It’s also place to fill the number of addresses on your website mailing list.
To manage offers choose the PUBLISHER, then the MY WEBSITES and find a website that you are interested in.
If you want to start, click + to ADD OFFER.
Now you can add offers from one of 4 main categories:
- guest posts (an article written and posted on your website by somebody else),
- link insertions (any link that gets placed into existing content),
- advertising backlinks (text links and banners placed on your website),
- broken links (a hyperlinks on a website which is linked to an empty or non-existent external webpages).
When adding an offer, pay attention to the durability! You can set links for at least 12 months or permanently. This means that in the first case you are committing to have the publication displayed at least one year after purchase. The second option assumes that the publication will always be displayed and you will not remove it from your website.
Every new offer and an offer after turning on is moderated. Process of moderation takes max. 24 hours (during working days it usually takes a few minutes).
When you are adding an offer of a guest post, you have to fill in the boxes:
- Linking – check individual boxes if you agree to include in the publication follow links (cannot contain the parameter: nofollow, ugc or sponsored); advertising banner in the content or movie embedded in the content. Below you have to complete the maximum number of links in the article.
- Linking in the article – check where the link to the article will be available FOR THE ENTIRE PUBLICATION PERIOD (it CANNOT have a rel=”nofollow” parameter). You have to select at least one option from: category or subcategory page, archive or other.
- Additional linking from other articles – indicate how many additional (non-sponsored) articles you place on your site with a link to a published client guest post. You can use one editorial to link up to 5 different guest posts ordered by Linkhouse clients. You have to selects one option from: none, 3, 5, 7, or 10. Read more about additional linking here!
- Anchors – select one option from: url or brand, the above and correct language-wise keywords, or the above and incorrect language-wise keywords.
- Guidelines for the article – fill the details of the offer: minimum text length (in characters with spaces, we recommend a minimum of 2,500 chars); minimum image size (the length of the shorter side in pixels; we recommend at least 600 pixels); and maximum number of images in the content.
- Tag/label – choose how the guest post on your website will be tagged. You can choose from four options of labels: guest post; any sent by the advertiser; without any tag or label; other.
- Comments – choose one of the options which is related to your website: all articles can be commented, all articles cannot be commented or commenting can be turned off at the advertiser request. The filter limits the list of portals only to those that have offers with a specific way of commenting on articles by users.
- Time of maintaining the article on the website – choose how long publication will be displayed on your website: at least 12 months or permanently, which mean that the article will be available for as long as the page is available (however no less than 12 months).
- Additional promotion – enter how many days the article will be displayed on the homepage. You can also extend your offer with social media promotion (Facebook or Twitter) or mailing.
- Additional description – you can add an extra description of your offer here. The description will be visible to advertisers in the Marketplace
- Publication dates – is the date of publication of a guest post on the site visible? This information may be in the content of the page as well as its URL, for example. You have to select an option from: Yes, No or No data. Make sure that the reader certainly does not have access to the publication date before choosing the NO option.
- Statistics – decide if you allow to place a tracking code (html code) in the article , allowing the advertiser to view traffic statistics on a given article. Selecting this option increases the offer’s attractiveness, and the collected data concerns only the subpage with the article. You also have to decide if you provide the advertiser with the article’s viewing statistics from Google Analytics or other traffic analysis tool.
- Your pay – specify the terms of cooperation – here you have to fill the price for your offer and choose if you allow: publication of the article provided by the client and/or publication of an article written by you (article with a minimum length of 2,500 chars). If you can’t determine the price of the offer on your website, try our price suggester based on collected statistical data.
When you are adding an offer of link insertions, you have to fill in the boxes:
- The offer concerns – choose whether the offer is for all articles on the site, articles in a single category/section or a specific article. If you choose single category or specific article, you have to add a link to them and specify your subject.
- Follow link – decide whether the link you insert will have the dofollow parameter. If you choose “yes” or “yes or no (according to the advertiser’s wishes)” it cannot contain the parameter: nofollow, ugc or sponsored.
- The form of placing the link – how will you place the link? Select at least one option from: link posted under any words in the article;
adding a short, linked note to the text; adding linked information about text preparation at the end of an article in cooperation with the client; inserting a banner with a link in the text. - Link duration time – choose the period during which the link will be visible in the article. If it’s limited, specify the time of the link publication (in months). If you choose the option “permanently”, the link has to be available for as long as the article is available (however no less than 12 months). Remember, that choosing a time limit reduces the attractiveness of the offer significantly for the client.
- Additional description – you can add an extra description of your offer here. The description will be visible to advertisers in the Marketplace.
- Your remuneration – fill the net price, which you will receive as payment for the publication.
When you are adding an offer of advertising links, you have to fill in the boxes:
- Link type – decide if you want to place a banner or text link. If you have chosen banner, select the permissible dimensions width x height, in pixels. If you have chosen text link, select one of the options from: brand or URL; the above and correct language-wise anchors, e.g. “proven electrician from Krakow”; link with any anchor, e.g. “cheap electrician Krakow”.
- Visibility – choose one option of link visibility: sitewide (link visible on all subpages); limited sitewide (e.g. link only visible in all subpages of the selected category or section) or link on the selected subpage. If you have chosen specific subpage, you have to add its URL (which must contain the domain you are creating an offer for).
- Display – decide if link will be visible at all times or displayed rotationally, alternating with others. If you’ve chosen the second option, provide the maximum number of links or banners in the rotation.
- Link placement – choose one of the options of placing link: top menu, side menu, bottom menu/footer or other. Next add a screenshot of the place where the link will appear.
- Follow parameter – decide if the inserted link will be follow or nofollow. If you’ve chosen “follow”, remember that this link cannot contain the parameter: nofollow, ugc or sponsored.
- Number of available links – specify how many links with such a specification can be on the page at one time (e.g. if you want to sell up to 3 banners in the side menu).
- Your remuneration – enter the minimum number of days that the order must cover and the net price for 1 month of publication. It is worthwhile to offer advertisers the opportunity to publish for a longer period at a more attractive price. If you want to set a lower price per month, e.g. when publishing for 6 or 12 months, create additional variants.
ATTENTION! If – according to Ahrefs – your site has no broken links, it’s impossible to create that kind of offer.
When you are adding an offer of broken links, the panel automatically suggests you all broken links that are on your site. Then you have to fill in the boxes:
- Time of maintaining the article on the website – the only option that you have to choose is permanent, which means that the link will be available as long as the website is available (but not less than 12 months).
- Your pay – specify the terms of cooperation – enter the net price for broken link. Our panel will show you a suggested price.
To preview and edit offers for the specific website click on the pencil icon.
Here you can see, edit and turn on/off offers. Also, you can check status of your offers and give them their own names that only you can see – this can help you with managing the offers. To do so double-click specific offer in the column OFFER NAME.
In the actions tab, you can choose:
– pencil – which allows you to edit the offer,
– tick or cross – which allows you to activate or deactivate the offer,
– label – which allows you to set promotional offers.
if a website and offer has been added and successfully moderated then they are visible to potential customers in our Marketplace.