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5 methods of driving more traffic to your website








Having even the most extensive website is not enough to reach a wider and wider group of customers. To make it possible, the website should first of all be visible in the search results. Therefore, it is worth focusing on what can be done better and what to remember so that the website arouses interest, the recipients want to enter it and then stay on it. Learn 5 methods of driving more traffic to your website.

Perform a site audit

Before you start any activities aimed at promoting your website, you should audit it in terms of positioning and usefulness for users and Google.

Audit is a basic element of the optimization process, which will show you the weakest elements of the website and suggest useful solutions that allow you to develop it in accordance with the current guidelines. It will define errors and help to introduce changes that facilitate, for example, navigation and use of the website by target groups.

The audit usually consists of:

  • analysis of the graphic design of the website,
  • website usability testing,
  • evaluation of the content and its effectiveness,
  • checking the correctness of the website structure,
  • analysis of the website’s position in search engine results,
  • assessment of the correctness of the website adaptation to mobile devices.

You can do this verification yourself based on the tools available on the Internet or outsource it to specialized agencies. If you decide to optimize your site yourself, you should pay attention to the alt, title and description tags.


Once you deal with the audit and fix all errors, use one of the most popular methods to promote the website – positioning. Thanks to this form, you will significantly increase your website traffic. 

It is good to use the potential of keywords in the SEO process. See here a SEMrush guide on how to do keyword research. A thorough analysis has a great impact on the effects of subsequent SEO activities. Links that you can obtain on blogs, industry forums, websites of trusted advertising partners or social media platforms through thematic groups are also helpful in gaining high positions in search results.

Content marketing

Content marketing activities, especially in the long run, can bring benefits in the form of constant, valuable traffic from several sources. Publication of high-quality content, prepared with attention to SEO aspects, has a positive effect on the website’s position in the search results and thus provides more organic traffic. Obviously it’s a process that takes time and patience, but in the end it is a sure-fire place for a constant increase in traffic. Yet another benefit of content marketing activity is building brand recognition or the image of an expert. Good content marketing ideas can provide additional publicity and establish a brand’s position.

It is also worth mentioning the so-called gated content, i.e. offering premium content in exchange for leaving a contact (it can be, for example, an e-mail address, but also a telephone number). It is a win-win situation: the recipient receives valuable materials, the brand gains new contact and is able to use it to generate even more visits to the website. We are talking about using the collected leads for further marketing activities, for example mailing or targeted campaigns in social media. Keep affordable SEO in mind. You may also think about interactive content on your site, for example calculators. Calculators can deliver not only value, but also traffic! You can e.g. check this example of bail bond cost calculator to see what we’re talking about.

Facebook Ads and Google Ads 

Another answer to the question of how to increase traffic to your website is to use advertising on the web to redirect your audience to your site. One of the most effective ways is making dynamic creative Facebook ads and advertising on Google.

When setting up your ads, you should focus on creating paid campaigns to direct you to a given page. Importantly, it is best to prepare many creations and target them to different target groups in order to increase the degree of personalization and adjust ads to the preferences of the recipients. In this way, you can direct Facebook users to other subpages within your website that they may be particularly interested in. Billing can be based on CPC, reach or number of views. Be sure to test different CTAs and visuals to optimize your advertising costs.

Referral marketing

Using referral marketing you can generate more conversions. Did you know that a referred lead’s conversion rate is 30% higher than a conversion generated from other channels? You can improve your brand image, drive more traffic, and gain more trust if you implement a referral program. In addition to building relationships with your customers, through broadcasting messages you can make your website a one-stop place to buy your products in the categories that you offer. 

A tool like EarlyParrot can help make it more likely for people to share their opinions of you on social media or via email, and therefore drive extra traffic to your website. You can also use a paid newsletter platform.

A few words of summary 

Depending on the industry, brand and target group, the answer to the question of how to effectively increase website traffic will be different. It is important to test the widest possible range of solutions and to optimize after analyzing the results. It is also worth considering that methods that work for one product do not have to work for another that works in the same sector. Also, remember about stellar customer service experience, e.g. with using a live chat tool. Good luck!

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