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72k+ Guest Posting Sites list for 2024








Want to increase your online visibility? Find out where to post your content with our 72000+ guest posting sites 2024. Learn how to choose the best platforms to reach your audience and grow your brand.

Quick Facts

  • Guest posting on good websites can boost your brand’s SEO, audience engagement and overall online presence.
  • A good guest post requires research on target websites, a solid pitch, and high-quality content that matches the host website’s standards. Effective guest posting efforts also involve strategic planning and consistent execution.
  • Maximizing the impact of a published guest post means promoting on social media, engaging with comments and tracking results to refine future strategies.

What is Guest Blogging

Guest blogging opens up a whole new world of strategic benefits for your brand, including the opportunity to build backlinks. As a guest blogger you get to go beyond your immediate reach—write for platforms that are not yours, attract traffic back to your site and plant seeds of trust and authority across the web.

This guide will help you navigate the guest post landscape. With this you can become a guest author to a thought leader in your niche.

Posting Websites

Start your journey of understanding by understanding guest posting sites. Think of these as:

  • Soil where your words can grow
  • Reaching out to touch minds of readers worldwide is a key part of any outreach strategy.
  • Growth engines
  • Influence channels
  • Architects of your digital presence

Many guest posting sites accept guest posts, providing opportunities for external contributors to share their expertise. Many guest post websites provide specific guidelines for formatting and submission, making it essential to follow these to increase your chances of publication.

Guest posting sites are more than just a place to dump your content; they are growth engines, influence channels and architects of your digital presence.

Understanding the full benefits of these sites is like harnessing the wind of online success. Guest posting sites offer:

  • SEO benefits
  • Audience engagement
  • A platform to lift your brand to your target audience
  • To make your voice heard in the noise.

Definition and Purpose

At the core of guest posting is a simple yet powerful definition: a partnership between a guest author and a host website, united by a common goal of sharing valuable information. This collaboration often appears in search results. This symbiotic relationship allows you to put your expertise into new ground and strengthen your SEO and connect with fellow peers.

The goal is to put your story into the web’s content and create backlink bridges that direct interested readers to your site.

Benefits of Posting Websites

The benefits of guest posting are many, a picture of digital success that calls out to marketers and writers. It helps build backlinks and drive organic traffic. Imagine the flood of referral traffic that comes with a well placed guest post or the joy of watching your domain authority rise as your content is published on good sites.

Each guest post puts your brand into the minds of potential customers, leveraging existing audiences to increase recognition and in turn generate new sales.

How to Find Guest Posting Websites

Finding the best guest posting sites is like a treasure hunt, with great platforms waiting to host your content is the treasure. But how do you navigate this landscape of many opportunities and varying degrees of possibilities? Fear not, for the compass of digital marketing has tools and tactics to reveal the most profitable guest posting opportunities so your efforts match your brand goals. Many platforms offer the opportunity for free guest posts, allowing you to share thought leadership and researched articles without any cost. It is also crucial to understand and adhere to guest posting guidelines when selecting sites for your content.

From the analytics of Linkhouse to the precision of Google search operators, each tool reveals a layer of the guest posting services landscape and points you to the niches that will give you engagement and growth. We’ll show you how to find these digital treasures and give you the knowledge to find sites that match your message and voice.


Linkhouse is your entry point to a database of over 75,000 publishers who want to feature your sponsored articles. With over 20 filters at your disposal, this marketplace is your link building partner, to find a home for your content that matches its quality. In the vast ocean of possibilities, Linkhouse is a lighthouse, guiding you to the perfect guest posting opportunity.

Google Search Operators & “write for us”

Use Google search operators to turn generic searches into targeted results with guest posting opportunities. By inserting terms like ‘write for us’ and “write guest posts” into your searches, you’ll sift through the digital sand to find websites that are not just accepting guest posts but are waiting for your unique perspective.

Online Directories

Online directories are like the crossroads of the internet, where many paths converge to free guest post sites and guest blogging sites. Platforms like BuzzStream and DigiTechnoPost are curated libraries where many guest posting opportunities are listed for you to browse. To find guest posting sites these resources can be very helpful especially when looking for a guest posting site.

In these digital archives lies the key to new audiences and SEO wins.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are more than just for selfies and status updates; they are treasure troves of guest posting opportunities. A simple hashtag search will reveal a network of industry influencers and many blogs that need your guest articles.

Get social and you’ll find the connections you make today will lead to content collaborations tomorrow.

How to Evaluate Guest Posting Sites

Evaluating potential posting sites is a crucial part of your guest posting process. It’s not enough to find a site that will publish your articles; discernment is key as the quality of the site reflects on your brand. A thorough assessment of domain authority and content quality is like choosing the right partner in the game of online dominance.

With tools like Moz’s Link Explorer and Ahrefs’ Site Explorer you can quickly see where a site sits in the digital landscape. By analyzing metrics of relevance, authority and reader engagement you can make sure your guest posts not only reach an audience but also resonate with them, so each published piece is a strategic SEO move.

Domain Authority and Page Authority

Domain Authority and Page Authority are the gauges of a site’s power in the digital world. These metrics are like reputation scores that give you an idea of how well a site will perform in search engine rankings – a vital piece of information when choosing platforms for your guest posts.

Adding your content with high authority sites can be the spark that ignites your SEO performance.

Audience Engagement

The heartbeat of a site is best measured by its audience engagement. A lively comment section and interactive readership is a sign of a healthy digital environment – a place where your guest posts can grow.

Get in front of this audience and your content becomes more than just a message; it becomes a conversation, and deepens the connection between your brand and new followers.

Content Quality

The phrase ‘content is king’ is still true, especially when it comes to guest posting. The content on a target site is a reflection of its standards and credibility. As you look for the perfect site to publish your articles, look for platforms that have a reputation for great, informative and engaging content – the same standards you hold yourself to.

Guest Posting Sites list

Free Guest Posting Sites 2024

As the digital world changes so does the directory of guest posting sites. In this archive you’ll find a collection of sites across many niches – each an opportunity to share your expertise, promote your brand and connect with new audiences. From tech to health, these free posting sites 2024 are a diverse range of stages for your content to shine. To create a successful guest post, ensure that your content is relevant, interesting to the site’s audience, and aligns with the site’s niche.

Whether you’re a developer writing about tech or a wellness advocate sharing health tips, there are plenty of options. We’ll look at some of the top sites where your guest posts can make a real impact, driving traffic and boosting your online presence across many industries.

Technology and Development

For the tech geeks and development experts, guest posting sites like DZone and Mashable are the stage. These sites are visited by a tech savvy audience looking for the latest news and trends in the industry. Here your expertise can reach the curious minds that shape the digital world and you can become a thought leader in the ever changing tech landscape.

Health and Wellness

The health and wellness space is all about sharing information and guest posting sites like Healthline and Psychology Today are at the heart of this. These sites open their doors to content that improves the lives of their readers and you can contribute to the global conversation on health and wellness – you can really make a difference.

Business and Finance

In business and finance knowledge is money. Guest posting on sites like Bplans and MarketingProfs allows you to invest your expertise into the minds of entrepreneurs and executives. Your content becomes the currency that drives decision making and innovation in the market and you become a trusted voice in the business and finance space.

Sign up for Linkhouse Marketplace and Get Access to 72,000 Websites and Online Portals

By signing up for Linkhouse Marketplace you get access to over 72,000 websites and online portals that can host your content. This massive database ensures you find the right sites for your niche and boost your brand’s visibility and authority. With advanced filtering options and user-friendly interface Linkhouse makes finding high quality guest posting opportunities easy so you can focus on creating great content. Join Linkhouse today and supercharge your digital marketing with unmatched reach and precision.

Guest Post Submission

Guest post submission is like creating a key that unlocks many doors. It starts with understanding the target site – its style, its audience, its tone. From there you shape your content to fit and complement the host site. One important part of this process is coming up with a guest post idea that will resonate with the readers. To submit guest posts that stand out you need to put time and effort into creating great content. It is also crucial to thoroughly read and follow the guest posting guidelines to ensure your content aligns with the host website’s standards and policies.

This process involves research, strategy and a dash of charm as you pitch your ideas and write content that resonates. We’ll go through the steps to turn a rough draft into a guest blogging masterpiece so your submission stands out and gets the attention it deserves.

Research Target Website

Before you put pen to paper research must happen. Dive into the target website and absorb the tone, the audience and the content landscape. This research is key; it sets your approach, aligns your content with the site’s ethos and maximizes the chances of your submission resonating with the blog owner and their audience.


The pitch is your opening act, a chance to hook the blog owner with a glimpse of your guest post’s potential. It’s a delicate balance of persuasion where clarity and brevity meets charm.

A good pitch not only shows the value of your content but also shows you understand the blog’s audience and sets you up for a successful submission.

Writing Great Content

The stage is set and the spotlight is on you, now it’s time to bring your content to life. Great writing is the lifeblood of guest posting, a combination of words that engages, informs and inspires. From the structure of your narrative to the tone of your voice every element counts in creating content that stands out and delivers a message that resonates beyond the post.

Submit and Follow Up

The moment of truth comes when you submit your carefully crafted guest post. Follow the guidelines with the precision of a surgeon and submit your work to the chosen platform and wait. But the work doesn’t stop there; the art of follow up is a delicate balance of persistence and respect that keeps the lines of communication open and your submission top of mind.

The post submission phase requires patience and a plan. It’s all about anticipation, timing is everything and a well timed reminder can make the difference between getting published and getting ignored. Learn the ropes of this phase and you turn submission into a proactive pursuit of publication.

Submission Guidelines

The guest post guidelines are your blueprint to success, the step by step instructions to turn your guest post from a submission into a published post. These are not suggestions, they’re the criteria your content will be judged by. Adherence is not optional – it’s the golden ticket that gets your article the audience it deserves.

Follow Up Strategies

In the silence that follows a submission the follow up becomes a powerful tool. It’s a gentle reminder of your presence, a nudge that can rekindle the interest in your content. Effective follow up is about timing, tact and tenacity, keeping your guest post on the radar without being too pushy.

Get the Most Out of Your Published Post

Getting your guest post published is an achievement but it’s not the end of the journey – it’s the start of a new one. Now the focus shifts to amplification, to get your words out to as many people as possible. It’s about using every tool in your toolbox, from social media to engagement tactics to get the most out of your published post.

A well promoted guest post can have a big impact, expand your reach and increase your authority in the industry. Engage with your audience, track the performance and learn from each interaction and you create a feedback loop that refines your approach and multiplies the success of your guest blogging.

Share on Social Media

Once your guest post is live it’s time to shout it from the digital rooftops. Sharing on social media is not just a nice to do; it’s a strategic move that gets your content in front of people. By using platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and eye catching visuals you’re inviting your network to check out your latest work.

Tools like Hootsuite make this process easy, allowing you to schedule posts that keep your audience engaged and your content circulating long after the publish date.


The comments beneath your guest post are a garden waiting to be watered. Commenting is the water that feeds budding relationships and grows a community around your content. Whether it’s praise or constructive criticism each comment is an opportunity to deepen the connection and show your audience you care.

Use this feedback to refine your message and approach and turn your guest post into a conversation and interaction.


After your guest post is published the analytics starts to kick in. Using Google Analytics or similar tools to track the results can give you insights into what’s working and how people are getting to your site. By dissecting metrics like traffic and bounce rate you’ll get insights that will inform your future strategy so each guest post isn’t a shot in the dark but a deliberate move towards more engagement and visibility.


So there you have it, the guest posting landscape in all its glory. Take a moment to consider the enormity of it all. From understanding what a guest blog is to finding the right platform, writing your content and getting the most out of it every step is a piece of the puzzle that makes up your online presence. Use these strategies, get your content published on high authority sites and watch your brand go from whisper to loud and clear across the web.


What is guest posting as a content marketing strategy?

Guest posting is a content marketing strategy that leverages the benefits of guest blogging to increase brand exposure, drive traffic to your site, and earn valuable backlinks to your website. By submitting a guest post to high-quality websites, you can reach new audiences and establish authority in your niche, enhancing your SEO efforts.

How do I find guest posting opportunities?

You can find guest blogging opportunities by using tools like Linkhouse, employing Google search operators, exploring online directories, and leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn. Analyzing your competitors’ backlink profiles and following prolific guest bloggers can also help you discover the best guest blogging sites to submit a guest post.

What should I look at when evaluating a guest posting site?

When evaluating a guest posting site, consider its domain authority, audience engagement, and content quality. Metrics such as Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA), and the site’s overall reputation are essential. Ensure the site is relevant to your niche and follows best practices to make an informed decision.

Can I track my guest posts?

Yes, you can track your guest posts using analytics tools like Google Analytics. These tools measure traffic and conversions from each post, providing insight into the performance of your guest blogging efforts. Tracking these metrics helps you refine your guest blogging strategy and optimize content creation for future posts.

How do I get the most out of my published guest post?

To maximize the benefits of your published guest post, share it on social media, engage with comments, and use analytics to measure its impact. This approach will increase visibility and engagement, ensuring your guest blogging efforts yield the best results. Additionally, follow up with the host site to see if they offer guest blogging opportunities for future posts.

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